ヒラリー・クリントン米元国務長官は22日までに、東京都内でフジテレビ系「日曜報道 THE PRIME」の単独インタビューに応じた。パレスチナ自治区ガザを実効支配するイスラム組織ハマス指導者の「抹殺が必要だ」と訴えた。また、ウクライナへの侵攻で制裁を受けているロシアが「中国への依存を強めている」とロシアの苦境を指摘し、「中国がロシアを従属国にしようとしている」との認識を示した。












イスラム組織・ハマス ハマスのSNSより
イスラム組織・ハマス ハマスのSNSより

イスラエルとハマスの間の緊張を和らげることができるかどうかはわかりません。ハマス はイスラエル国内で野蛮な攻撃を行ったテロ組織で、国家ではありません。彼らは100人以上を誘拐してガザに連れ去り、人質に取りました。ハマスとの和解の余地はないと思います。ガザの人々、パレスチナの人々、そしてイスラエルの人々の平和を実現するためには、ハマスの指導者を追い詰めて、抹殺しなければならないと思います。アメリカは長い間、中東の紛争の平和的解決のために努力してきました。私の夫は、もう少しで二国家解決へ向けた合意を取り付ける寸前でしたが、結局、パレスチナ側がノーと言ったのです。2000年当時、イスラエル政府は非常に広範で寛大な提案をしました。イスラエルが計画しているハマスに対する非常に強力な措置によって、この最新の危機が解決されれば、ハマスのメンバーではない、暴力的ではない、残りのすべてのパレスチナ人は、将来、より良い生活を与えてくれる指導者を得ることができると思います。








































“Leadership of Hamas has to be eliminated”“China turning Russia into dependent nation”Hillary Clinton Says

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave an exclusive interview to Fuji Television's "Sunday News THE PRIME" in Tokyo by October 22. She called for the "elimination" of the leader of Hamas, the Islamic organization that effectively controls the Palestinian territory of Gaza. She also pointed out Russia's predicament, saying that Russia, which is under sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine, "is becoming more dependent on China," and that "China is trying to make Russia a dependent nation. Clinton was in Japan as an international advisor to The Praemium Imperiale.

Below are the details of the interview.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Thank you for coming here. It's a great honor to have you here. Thank you for giving us such a great opportunity Madam Secretary

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Thank you 

About The Praemium Imperiale

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"
Let me begin with the question about the Praemium Imperiale. How do you see the importance of art in the international society and what role do you think art can play to keep the world safety?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, Toshi, it's a really important question. And the premium imperial is such an important way of recognizing art and artists from around the world. I really commend the Japan Art Association for starting this prize because now more than ever, we need to recognize ways that we have so much more in common than separates us. And yet, if we don't work together and understand each other better, we will continue to have problems like the ones we're seeing in the world today.
The arts are an excellent way of bringing people together, having them share common experiences. And I really am delighted to be part of this very significant effort.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME":
Now the international society is facing a very serious crisis, such as the crisis in Ukraine and also crisis in Israel and Hamas. Do you think that art can play some kind of role to solve that kind of problems?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State:
I don't know that art can solve those problems. Those are very deep, very dangerous wars and conflicts and terrorism that we are seeing in the world today. But I think art can certainly help to soothe the kind of terrible feelings, the sense of fear and hatred and even suffering that people are going through in Ukraine and in the Middle East.
I'm hoping that there will be some opening, some slivers of light that will bring people to an understanding that will try to alleviate all that pain and suffering. Of course, it's very difficult when you have the war in Ukraine was started by the illegal and brutal invasion of Ukraine, by Putin's Russia. And this latest incident in the Middle East was started by a horrific terrorist attack into Israel.
I'm hoping that, people will be able to find ways to end those wars. But, until that happens, we have to defend freedom and values that are reflected in the arts.

About Israel and “Gaza Strip”

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
You just mentioned about that horrific terrorist attack in Israel. The situation in Israel and Gaza Strip is getting serious day by day. Now it's been said that the Israeli Force is about to start the ground operation. And the president Biden is visiting that region. How do you see the U.S. role to ease the tension between Israel and Hamas at this moment?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, I Don't know that you can ease the tension between Israel and Hamas, because Hamas is not a state. It’s a terrorist organization that has conducted a barbaric attack inside Israel. It's taken more than 100 people hostages, kidnaping them, taking them back into Gaza. I don't think there's any room for any kind of accommodation with Hamas. I think the leadership of Hamas has to be run down and eliminated in order for there to be peace for the people of Gaza, the Palestinians, and peace for the people of Israel.
You know, the United States has worked for a very long time to try to provide a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Middle East. And my husband was very close to getting an agreement for a two-state solution. But at the end, the Palestinians are the ones who said no. And it was a very broad and generous offer by the Israeli government back in 2000.
I do think that once this latest crisis, hopefully is resolved by the very strong measures that Israel intends to take against Hamas, that all the rest of the Palestinians who are not members of Hamas, who are not violent, will have leadership that can try to bring a better life to them in the future.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Today the Japanese government has decided to send the humanitarian aid to the people in Gaza, and the amount is at $10 million. Japan has a very unique relationship with, of course Israel, and also with the Arab countries, including the Palestinians. Do you think that Japan can play some kind of role to this situation?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, first, I am very grateful for Japan's willingness to send humanitarian aid. The United States, as you know, is working very hard to open humanitarian corridors. to provide refuge to the people of Gaza who are trying to leave the areas where Hamas has such a tight control over the lives in North northern Gaza. And so, Japan is showing a great humanitarian concern by saying that they wish to help the people of Gaza.
I think that combined with other efforts from other countries, from international organizations, could really help in the coming days and weeks. The very serious threat that Hamas has posed to Israel has to be dealt with. Any nation would respond to try to eliminate that threat. But hopefully it can be done in a way that minimizes humanitarian and civilian losses and damage.
So that is something that Japan is a very important player in trying to achieve.

About Ukraine and Russia

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
And let me switch gears to the assistance to Ukraine. Now the U.S. is having difficulties to find a way to keep U.S. weapons flowing to Ukraine in its war with Russia because of the serious political upheaval in the House. How do you see the U.S., the future support to Ukraine? Do you think that's going to be decreasing?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
I don't. I think that eventually the Biden administration will get continued support for aid to Ukraine from the Congress. There is a leadership struggle taking place as to who will be the next speaker of the House of Representatives. But it's my very strong opinion that whoever ends up in that position will agree both to more aid for Ukraine and more aid for Israel.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
How about the Japan's role? Do you think that Japan should keep supporting Ukraine at the same level or much more?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, I think Ukraine needs all the help it can get. From your country, my country, the other countries that are supporting Ukraine, this is an essential struggle for us to be on the right side of. I know that Japan has provided significant aid to Ukraine. I hope that will continue. They are going to be facing another winter under attack from Russia.
Anything that can be done to keep the lights on, keep the heat on, keep energy flowing. Japan has been very generous in that area in the past year and a half.
 So, yes, I think that we all should continue to support Ukraine. Ukraine did not ask to be invaded by Russia. 
This is Vladimir Putin's obsession to try to reinstall the Russian empire in Europe.
He needs to be stopped because I spoke to a number of ambassadors here in Japan at an event that our U.S. ambassador had. We were talking about many of these issues, and they were ambassadors from literally every continent with all the concerns that are clear about both the Middle East and Ukraine. But the European ambassadors, in particular, know that Putin would not be satisfied with Ukraine.
We have to stop him and push him back and push him out of Ukraine. And that's going to take all of us.

About China

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
President Putin is now visiting the Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in the forum of the Belt and Road Initiative. It's very rare case for Mr. Putin to get out of the country. How do you see that situation, the China and Russia getting closer and closer these days?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, the way I would describe it is, Russia is getting more and more dependent on China. They're getting close only because Russia needs the financial help, the provision of weapons, the support from China that Xi Jinping has been providing. I think that it is a very difficult relationship for them for different reasons. 
As Russia gets more and more dependent because of the way sanctions are limiting their economy and they have not been as successful with their military, they are turning to Iran and China for support.
I think that they have received that. But I think that China is asking for a lot in return. China is turning Russia into a dependent nation.
I don't think that's in Russia's long-term plans to be so dependent upon China. But I also think the failures of the Russian military may have slowed down Xi Jinping in some of his aggressive plans, particularly related to Taiwan.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
You just mentioned about the relations with Taiwan. The Taiwan Strait crisis is a very serious concern among these regions. How imminent do you think the crisis of the Taiwan Strait would happen? Some the Pentagon high ranking official said it's going to come within a couple of years. Do you have the same feeling.

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, all I know is what Xi has said. He says he intends to reunite Taiwan with China. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean working through their political process to get a friendly government? Does that mean a cyberattack? Does that mean a naval blockade? Does that mean an invasion? We don't know. But I think you have to take Xi at his word.
He intends to make some kind of a move on Taiwan and it's important that this region and really the entire world try to send very strong messages to China that that would be a mistake. If you look at Ukraine, Russia thought it had a very powerful military. China thinks it has a very powerful military. But it turns out Russia's military was no match for Ukrainian defenders.
I think that must cause Xi to say to himself, well, how sure can I be about my own military? They've invested a lot of money. There's been a lot of growth. But is it really ready for a fight? He doesn't know that. And looking at Russia, he must be wondering, I think he looks and sees sanctions.
The world has sanctioned, Russian oil and gas. Well, the Chinese economy, which is already struggling, has a lot more goods that are produced there that can be sanctioned by the world. So, I think the Ukraine invasion and particularly Putin's confidence that he could win in a week has probably slowed down Xi's timetable. And therefore, I think Japan, the United States, other nations need to be very clear that we want to have a peaceful relationship with China.
We don't mind having a competition. That's healthy, compete for business, compete for influence. There's nothing wrong with that. But we want to prevent Xi from leading China into conflict in Asia, because again, when a leader decides to stay for life like Putin has and Xi has, they get very ambitious and their ambitions don't stop with Ukraine. In Putin's case, they don't stop with Taiwan.
In China's case, they are very overwhelming desire to dominate a region. And so the work that Japan and the United States and South Korea and Australia and others are doing together to send a very clear message to Xi that the rest of the Asia region is united, I think is very important.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Like you said, that in the Asian countries, they are creating a new framework to encounter the threat to threat of China. For example, the US, Japan and South Korea had a trilateral meeting in Camp David the other day and they agreed to oppose any China's unilateral action to change the status quo. Also, they agreed to have an annual joint military exercise.
How do you think this effect the trilateral framework?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
I think it's very important. You know, both Japan and South Korea are treaty allies of the United States. We value our relationships with both nations. And the fact that we are now in a trilateral relationship makes those even stronger. Those bonds, the ability to jointly plan to understand what the different needs of both Japan and South Korea are when it comes to defense, when it comes to really figuring out what China is up to.
I think that it was a really smart, strategic move for both Japan and South Korea to decide that they are going to work together to deter China, to deal with any threats coming from China. I think it strengthens our hand with respect to China in the region.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME":
Now China is giving Japan some pressure on the import of the maritime products because Japan decided to flow the so-called treated water to the ocean. IAEA concluded that Japan's decision to release treated water was safe and the good evidence for the safety. But China is opposing that decision. And now China had to shut down all Japanese maritime products imports.
How do you see that China's strong reaction and how do you think that Japan should solve this problem?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
I think it's a propaganda ploy. I think that from what I know about the science and about what the IAEA has concluded, Japan has conducted a very careful and thorough analysis of how to do this. I think from what I'm told, it could serve as a model for other nations who might face some kind of similar problem.
I think China, in my view, is not really concerned about that issue. It's concerned about trying to make a political attack on Japan. I think Japan should stand strong on what it has concluded it will do, and I think that it should look for other markets. I know that the US ambassador to Japan is going to be working with Japan to buy more fish from Japan.
There's even evidence that the nuclear power plants that China has on its coastline are not discharging the waters from those plants in a scientific safe way. So, I think China is trying to divert attention away from the hard work that Japan has done to try to organize and control what you're doing, because they're not even doing what needs to be done.
In fact, if China cared about the environment, cared about what's happening in the seas, particularly with fish, they would come to Japan and they would say to Japan, help us make our discharges from our nuclear power plants along our coast safer. But they're not doing that because it's a political issue rather than a scientific issue in their eyes.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Let me ask about the decoupling with the Chinese economy and Western countries. Japan is now prohibiting to exports to any high tech. Semiconductors producing devices to China, that was a request from the US government to the Japan and Holland. US is keeping the same page now. Do you think that this kind of decoupling policy is working well?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, I don't know yet because it's still pretty new, and I understand why we would try to limit exports of advanced technology to China. China has taken a lot of technology and used it to create a surveillance state, to control their own population. I think that that limits the freedom of thought and speech and legitimate questions that could be asked of the Chinese government.
We know that they could use technology to suppress their own people, to build up their military, to pose a threat to Japan, the United States, others in the world. I think that limiting or preventing export of highly advanced technology to China makes sense right now. But I don't see why we would decouple on so many of the other goods that are part of the trade between our countries.
China needs to have economic activity because they have some economic stagnation. They have some high unemployment among their young people. We want to have trade with them, but we want it to be trade that is not going to threaten us because they use what we trade with them against us. That's why I think limiting the export of the high-tech items is right now a good idea.

About the Gender Gap in Japan

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Next, I want to ask you good advice to Japanese society. Japan is now said that the gender inequality. Gender inequality is a serious problem for Japan and it ranked 125 out of 146 countries in the World Economic Forum's global gender gap Index. In the political field, for example, the number of the female politicians is very low and there is no female vice ministers nor prime parliamentary secretaries.
What step do you think that Japan take to solve this problem? How about adopting a gender quota in Japan?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Well, I think Japan is making a mistake by not being more open to the contributions that Japanese women can make at the highest levels of Japanese politics. The issue of gender equality has been talked about here in Japan for number of years. I remember talking with the late Prime Minister Abe about it. He recognized that if Japan didn't utilize all of its talents, it wouldn't grow as fast and go as far as if it did.
Women are half the population. Women are highly educated in Japan. Women are highly competent. All of the Japanese women I know in government, in politics, in academia, in business, are extremely impressive. So why would you handicap yourself? I mean, to me, it's a self-interest argument. It's not just a nice thing to do to give women, particularly young women, but all women, a chance to fulfill their own aspirations depending upon their skills and their work ethic.
But it's smart for Japan. Everybody knows that you're coming out of a period of deflation. You're coming into a much more innovative, vigorous economic future. It would be really beneficial for Japan in both your political and your business sectors to knock down any barriers. When you talk about quotas, it would seem to me that the ruling party, the LDP, should be bending over backwards to get as many smart, effective women in as many high positions as they can.
It would be the same for corporations and others because diverse groups make better decisions. And when you have a mix of ages, men and women, different backgrounds, you get better decisions you want to position Japan for what it can be in the future. I'm hoping that some of the talk that I've heard about opening more doors for women becomes a reality because I think it's going to really be beneficial for Japan.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Like you said, if Japanese people open the door more, do you think the female prime minister will be nominated in the near future?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
You have a number of very highly qualified, impressive women in government and in politics. I can't predict if one would be nominated, but I certainly can predict if more women are in higher positions, it will be a more dynamic and a more effective political system for the country.

About Presidential Election 2024

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
I assume that you have been asked this question many times but let me ask you about this. In the coming U.S. presidential election, what do you think is the key for the next four years of the United States? Also, what if what is your stance for the reelection of the president Biden?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
I think President Biden will be reelected. I think that his record, his leadership has steadied the country after the four years of Trump. I think he has accomplished so much. Whether you're talking about rebuilding our infrastructure, positioning America once again in advanced manufacturing, especially in semiconductors, doing so much more to quickly transition to clean energy, which is something we've talked about but haven't done.
There's so much economic activity now underway because of the agenda that President Biden passed through Congress. I think that it's likely sitting here today it can change. That Trump will once again be the Republican nominee, and I believe President Biden will defeat him and be reelected. I think he deserves to be reelected.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Don't you have any intention to run as a running mate? 

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
No, no.
I'm going to be supporting President Biden and Vice President Harris.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Not for president?

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
No, I'm not going to run for president. No.

Possible U.S.-China summit meeting

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
What is the expectation for the upcoming summit meeting between President Biden and the Chinese president, Xi Jinping? President Biden said it's possible in the next months.

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
It is possible. They're hoping to do it in San Francisco. I'm hoping that it will lower the tensions. It will kind of create more of a rapport between President Biden and President Xi so that they can have more open conversations about some of the challenges that our relationship faces. That's my hope. I always think face to face meetings are useful because you learn really what's on the other person's mind, you can present issues, and you can look for responses to those issues.
And I hope that's what happens in this upcoming summit.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
I think time is up. Thank you for giving us such a great opportunity madam Secretary, and I hope to have you here again.

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​:
Thank you so much, Toshi.

Toshiyuki Matsuyama  Anchor of "Sunday News THE PRIME"​:
Thank you.

Hillary Clinton US Former Secretary of State​​:
Thank you.

